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"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul." George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Feedback on my view about college!

“You are an idiot.  Your poor grasp of English grammar and spelling show just how incompetent you really are.  To try to convince others to eschew an education in favor of so-called "better" post-high school alternatives, is both misguided and a misrepresentation of reality.  Your guidance, while perhaps pertinent to you (I assume your intellect would not thrive in the University environment) should not be used to discourage others from making what is almost always a worthwhile investment.  I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

Claude Kemble This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
B.A. Latin, Greek, Archaeology, University of Michigan
M.Phil. Medieval German, Oxford University
Ph.D. Medieval German, Harvard University

Posted via email from John's posterous

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Let' stop building new homes for awhile

If the US economy doesn’t figure out something else to build than new houses we are in deep deep trouble.  For decades we fooled ourselves on the health of the economy as we kept building more and bigger homes.  And we ended up with far more than we needed.

So let’s follow the age-old advice - “when you find yourself in a hole - stop digging”.  The last thing this economy needs to invest in for the foreseeable future is more houses.  Let’s reduce the subsidies for new home construction (and maybe add a tax or two on them).  Let’s declare our economy the post-home-building economy and let entrepreneurs (not the government) find ways to invest our resources in ways that will generate exports to the rest of the world.   Little Johnny will just have to share a bedroom with his big brother.   And Johnny will be shipping widgets off to China in a few years rather than becoming a carpenter.

Posted via email from John's posterous

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is Helen Thomas guilty of “Hate-speech”?

The latest incident when reporter Helen Thomas’s commented that the Jews in Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine” might subject her to “Hate-speech” prosecution in many western Democracies like Canada and Australia.  But not in the US  – at least for now.

And that is great – no matter whether you agree or disagree with her we need to protect our freedom of speech.  Totalitarian governments in Iran, Russia and Venezuela shut down this basic freedom early on as they took over absolute power.

The biggest problem with “Hate-speech” prosecution is that it is always selectively enforced depending on the politics of the party in power and what the underdog group is.  It shuts down honest debate.

Helen Thomas got the full wrath of the media for these comments, she lost her job and that is enough if you disagree with her. 

Posted via email from John's posterous

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Are you tired of the phrase “undocumented worker”?

Are you tired of the phrase “undocumented worker”?  Let’s use the terms “illegal immigrant”, “illegal alien”, “criminal border crosser”.  The left is trying to humanize the plight of the people breaking our laws through their kinder gentler language.  They also distort the English language with the term “immigration reform” which is code for amnesty.  Talk about bait and switch - this is it.  70% of Americans want tougher border control and enforcement of our existing laws not amnesty for 20 million illegals that have broken into our country illegally.

We need legal immigrants; we need immigrants that respect and will follow our laws. 

Posted via email from John's posterous

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why did the flotilla need so many thugs to bring in humanitarian aid into the Gaza strip?

How many of these Hamas whackos that want to destroy Israel want the US to survive and prosper?

I’m waiting.

Why did the flotilla need so many thugs to bring in humanitarian aid into the Gaza strip?

My hypothesis is that there are two types of people in the world:  1) Those that support Israel defending its border and also support Arizona defending its Mexican border and 2) Those that support the Flotilla’s right to run through the Israel naval blockade and those that hate the new Arizona immigration law.

Please speak up if you are not in one of these two camps.

Posted via email from John's posterous

Do you believe Joe Sestek or the White House?

In a February, 2010 interview Joe Sestak was asked if he had been offered a high level position by the Obama administration to drop out of the Senatorial race against Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania.  He immediately said “yes”.  When the media asked the White House the same question they took 15 hours to say “no”.  But the White House then changed its story on May 28, 2010 when they released an official report that Bill Clinton, on behalf of the Obama administration had offered an unpaid gig to Sestak.

 So who do you believe? The US Naval academy graduate that has had an “honor code” drilled into his decision process or the White House that has had “political expediency” drilled into its DNA?

This is the transparency that Obama promised - unfortunately transparent lies. 

Posted via email from John's posterous