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"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul." George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What does it mean to be “far-left” or “far-right”?

It is time to get rid of the two dimensional discussion of our politicians (left versus right). These time-honored descriptors fall well short of an accurate way to describe our candidates for President.

To simplify the matter I will describe the two major dimensions even though I know I am simplifying here and am trying to do this with little bias.

Fiscal conservative - is willing to aggressively cut government spending, would actively use the veto power to override promises to special interest groups and limit promises to future generations that have no financial viability. There is a scale on this dimension. And I would suggest that Republicans have been just as much big spenders as Democrats in the last couple of decades.

Fiscal liberal - is less concerned about out national debt, government spending, unfunded liabilities. Believe that America will find a way to meet its commitments via higher taxes. (Few politicians actually admit this belief, always stating that they are saving the government money while ramping up the spending.)

Social conservative - Prolife, Anti-gay rights, Supports an active military involvement around the world, Supports the War on Drugs, Pro Patriot Act.

Social liberal - Prochoice, Pro Gay Rights, Much smaller military involvement around the world, Legalize more drugs (starting with Marijuana), Against the Patriot Act.

Here are the best examples I can find for today's politicians and and how they might be described on a four corner map.

Gary Johnson - fiscal conservative/social liberal (North)
Michele Bachmann - fiscal conservative/social conservative (East)
Dennis Kucinich - fiscal liberal/social liberal (West)
Joe Lieberman - fiscal liberal/social conservative (South) - It is very hard to find a pure example here. George W Bush was clearly a big spender even though he never identified himself as such.

The media and the public do not know what is meant by “far right” and “far left”. Is the North position (Gary Johnson) far right or is the East position (Michele Bachmann) far right? These are two distinct points of view and they get lumped together. Is the West position (Dennis Kucinich) the far left or is Joe Lieberman the far left? In this case, Kucinich would more commonly get this label but it is just as unclear as the far right descriptor is.

I happen to be a Libertarian, a "Northerner" and a Gary Johnson supporter. But part of Johnson’s challenge is he gets labeled inarticulately as “far right” when no one really knows what that means.